Shades of Gold

Ed Huckeby

  • Grade: 1.5
  • Time: 3:07
  • Series: Rising Band
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2009

A beautiful lyrical composition by a master of the style, Ed Huckeby. In addition to the use of limited ranges and minimal technical challenges, the flowing style provides a great tool for teaching legato style and phrasing, as well as balance and intonation. The creative harmonies make “Shades of Gold” sound much harder than it really is. Your students and audiences will LOVE the sensitive nature of the composition and will be asking for it again and again. Great music!

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 024-3845-00 $46.00
Extra full score 024-3845-01 $5.00
MP3 Download 024-3845-85 $1.00
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